I have spent 8 years in practice management in the health sector, learning just how important communication and connection can be. In 2024, I transitioned to the accounting field, discovering that my passion for helping others extends beyond health.
I am dedicated to finding solutions to all challenges, large or small. Team environments are where I love to be. Spending most of my youth playing many team sports, particularly basketball, it is these environments that bring out the best in people.
As the Office Manager, I strive to create a supportive atmosphere while encouraging everyone to contribute their unique strengths and work together towards our common goals.
My background in team sports has taught me the importance of communication, trust, and teamwork, which I bring into my professional life every day.
Outside of the office, I try and spend my time doing the things I love most: enjoying food, wine, travelling, and spending time with my mini dachshund, Oreo, oh and my fiancé.